Digital-age strategies for making depression work for rather than against us by means of art & community as behavior modification.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Kind of Introduction RE: a Documentary on Surviving

Sorry for laughing as I say the words. Humor can cover up a lot of discomfort, can't it? :)

First responses to the invitation to participate in the documentary about strategies for surviving childhood sexual abuse begin to come in. Actually the responses came right away. Getting to actually speak with folks takes a little longer.

Survivors often have big-time trust issues. It seems trust things stretch to both ends of the spectrum. Some, like me, trust too much at first blush. Others never seem to trust, not without a lot of time and work. Even then it's fragile. but always when it gets to the nitty gritty of adult human relationships, survivors require a great lot of patience as they grow to trust anybody enough to let them 'in'.

It's the fragility that often makes me shake my head with frustration.

Anyway, spoke at length by phone with Tom, creator of A Sanctuary website for survivors. He's given me permission to use his first name and link to the website, a safe place where folks may find a lot of basic information on what this phenomenon looks like whether you're a survivor, suspect abuse, or just love one.

He offered valuable feedback to the WLOLL project which I've taken to heart. It's my hope that in due course he and I will come to a place where we feel comfortable enough to record an audio and/or video interview.

I don't honestly know what this documentary will turn out to be. It depends on the people who step up to speak, and what is most important to them on the day we speak as they make their ways along their healing paths.

Farther into the video, I speak to my qualifications for doing this thing if you wonder how / why / whether it might be done.


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