Digital-age strategies for making depression work for rather than against us by means of art & community as behavior modification.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Making the WLOLL Documentary a 'Safe Place' for Survivors

WARNING: a couple of cuss words in here, and potentially squicky mention of p*rps.

I left the A.S.A.R. newsgroup because of s*x-related spam squicking me. it's ugly.

Tom. Whatta guy.

Appreciate Tom's insightful pointing out where I went a bit off message in an earlier invitation for survivors to participate.

His point: the invitation says something provocative if not incendiary to the survivor.

Yeah. Incendiary would be the correct word.

In the video I ask whether or not it would be appropriate to include interviews with p*d*ph*l*s in The World's Longest Open Love Letter.

For me, the answer is, "Yes." Convince me otherwise.

Yes because loving evil kills it.

My mis-step was in not warning survivors in advance of the content.

In survivor circles, words like perpetrator are couched in typographical euphemism thus:


Furthermore, textual forays into difficult subjects are respectfully announced in subject lines, often in caps and surrounded by exclamation points.

Consciousness practice. To be ultra-conscious of others' feelings. A big first step in healing when you are yourself unable to feel.

Behavior Modification through the moral imperative of Political Correctness changes minds.

So, thank you, Tom, for your valuable reminders about survivor protocols.

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